Original Post

11-3-2017 08:50
Punting is legal

The act of punting is perfectly legal in Hong Kong as their is no law against it. The act of soliciting is illegal. So bros if your punting and get caught in a Spa keep cool and relax.

The police will escort the girl out of the room and take your statement. A word of advise do not lie or conjure up some story or try to escape. The likely hood of you being being summoned to court is negligible. As most girls are on a two way permit and  will be back in China before any court appearance.

The police raided this site a few mths ago so any of the high profile spas would most likely be raided.

Apparently the one room one girl establishment are perfectly legal. So maybe you all need to find some good walk-ups. If you don't want the hassle of an ID check.

Finding high quality ....Walk ups is difficult.

Mister 11-3-2017 09:18 Karma +1 141 no guarantee. Fuji, CC often raided. It's the visitor-no-work rule violators they're after, and underage WGs

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