Original Post

11-2-2017 15:25
NY La La Dui Zhang

Date & Time of Session:  February 11.
Location:  East TST
Name:  Anna.  La la dui zhang
Link: http://go141.com/en/A48553-TST-HoneyGirls-NYLaLaDuiZhang.html
Agent: 4/5
A000000  Wechat : PR88pr05. Responsive but after asking me to come early,  waited half an hour.  
Nationality & Language: Mainland. Some English
Age: 18
Face:  3.5/5
Body: 3/5 tall spinner. Tiny,  tiny tits.  Tallish. No tattoo
Skill: 3.5/5
Service: 4/5
GFE: 4/5
PSE: 5/5
Price & Session Length:  1000 45 min
Repeat: no.  Is a big ocean with lots of little  fishies.  
Highlights : young,  agreeable.  Some english. . Good suction. COF/CIM,  kiss,  FF.
Considerations :. Hairy bush and pits. Pancake flat. BJ pretty shallow. .

Had something truly remarkable happen today.   No bait and switch.   Got the girl i asked for first time.  I was tempted to leave in search of loch ness monster or buy a lottery ticket,  but decided to stay.

Very welcoming,  cute daisy duke outfit and was naked before the door closed.  had great smile and rudimentary English. Left me to undress and give minimal shower before the moved to bbbj,  first in shower then bedroom.  Lots of ball sucking and even tongue rim a little bit.

She was quite moist,  used no KY so took several minutes to ease in but the moans and curling of the toes seeemed genuine.  her pleasure zone seemed to grab onto my lb. Pushed back hard and wiggled lots while cooing in doggie while tickling sac.  Lots of kissing through out.   We stopped 2-3 times for her to readj before knelt down, cap off,  COF,  COB.

Off to the shower for a much more attentive wash.  She said she was from Shanghai which is plausible given body shape. She said she likes Hong Kong but leaves tomorrow.  I dare say  shell be back.

She agreed to some photos which ill attach after resizing.  

After AA,  HG experience recently,  NY are top of the charts in my books.
Overall,  a fun experience and would recommend but unlikely to see her again.

[ Last edited by  SimonTheShark at 11-2-2017 15:34 ]

Siklong69 11-2-2017 20:01 Karma +8 One of my favourites!
roy2921 11-2-2017 22:53 Karma +1
ZOZu 11-2-2017 23:46 Acceptance +1 Excellent
Redeyes 12-2-2017 00:47 Acceptance +1
Freelancer 13-2-2017 04:11 Karma +4 Favorable
batman108 13-2-2017 23:56 Acceptance +4 awesome and thanks
gloryspike 15-2-2017 09:40 Acceptance +1 Excellent
Petay_1283 16-2-2017 10:47 Karma +9
blahblah777 17-2-2017 17:44 Acceptance +1 Favorable

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