Original Post

3-2-2017 19:05
TR - Bait and Switch - yep...I am shocked as well

Dear Brothers,

This is a tale of trust betrayed, reputations wrecked and, well, my own stupidity.

Today (3/2/17) the TR stable came back online after CNY and I was delighted. I, almost without fail, check the TR stable daily to see what is new. I have used the TR group without incident for at least 4 years and have recommended them to my friends. Roy and his ladies have been, for me, infallible-----until today.

I called the number for TR-Yuna and I greeted Roy with a jovial KHFC! And asked if Yuna was available at 1pm, but no joy. None would be available until 6. No worries, says I and then book Yuna for a double session at 6. Job done. I move on with my day.  5.30 sees me happily waiting in TST for Roy's text to tell me where the happiness takes place. I get no text. I call at 5.40 and manage to get him. No problem, just head over the the XXX hotel. This is one I have never heard of but so what, I find it on the map and head over. I get a call from Roy telling me to go on up.

This is where the alarm bells should have rung. Roy never calls, I have to call him. Whatever? Up I go into a dingy, short-stay hotel and the door is ajar and I go into a very dark room. Totally not the TR modus operandi, but such is the trust that TR has built up I go with it. The woman in the room greets me warmly enough but I just can't get a good look at her. I give her the money plus a bit extra - I always tip well - and then she asks me to get undressed and pop into bed. No shower. No warm cuddle. The alarm bells are ringing now. But, "it's Roy's girl, you should trust her" goes the cheerful voice in my head.

So I am laying there, and she starts to suck my balls (no shower remember?) and then I get a look at her with the light from the bathroom and it is, well, it's not quite Gollum, but it is close. "Please stop!" says I in my scared, little boy voice, "I need to call Roy". So I do. Meanwhile, she dresses and leaves, just like that.

Well, of course, Roy never answers nor will he again I suspect.

Gentlemen, I know all the warning signs were there but this was TR!! I am still quite flabberghasted. I guess this must be a new Business Model for TR but sadly, like the Trump administration, it is a move towards a darker future.

I don't trust most agents just as a matter of course and always suspect and check a B&S with them, but not with TR. But I will never again use TR as trust betrayed tastes worse than mis-trust undeserved.

[ Last edited by  cityguy at 3-2-2017 20:15 ]

FlyingBreadMan 3-2-2017 20:53 Karma +2
Mister 3-2-2017 21:39 Karma +3 Hmm...
Siklong69 3-2-2017 21:58 Karma +8 Is it April 1st already? Maybe according to the Lunar calendar? I'm stunned!
stinkyfeet 3-2-2017 23:17 Karma +6 Lol well at least gollum was skinny
roy2921 3-2-2017 23:27 Karma +1
JJJ37 4-2-2017 00:25 Karma +4
cknc31 4-2-2017 13:55 Acceptance +1
JackTheBat 4-2-2017 14:42 Karma +10 WTF? Someone needs to ferret out an explanation, methinks...
genius4832 4-2-2017 17:15 Karma +4
daru567 4-2-2017 23:44 Karma +1 sorry to hear about your story, always wanted to try roy's stable, i think ill skip out till i start seeing good report ...
cass 5-2-2017 07:40 Karma +8 Weird.
lootbag 5-2-2017 12:43 Karma +1 sorry to hear, he has always been good to me.
dNA3D 5-2-2017 17:18 Karma +1 Omg shocking! Will wait for the dust to settle!
lively192 5-2-2017 21:37 Karma +2 Consolation karma
ramont 8-2-2017 22:02 Karma +4 Interesting
UncleDad 9-2-2017 11:50 Karma +4 More consolation K
yellowhite 9-2-2017 15:15 Acceptance +1 Favorable
Redeyes 11-2-2017 01:43 Acceptance +1
Thai-delight 12-2-2017 11:10 Karma +6 thx

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