Original Post

30-1-2017 00:32
[Taipei] 75 Minquan rd sector 2 - blue spa (English friendly)

This place is known by most visitors. Reports were helpful on isg (other forum).

Went here, paid 1500 to enter, given slippers, said I wanted skinny girl. The had two nice but meaty ones so I said I return in 30 mins. Gave money back and I returned 30 mins later. 3 skinnier ones around, I selected my fave and had a great time.

Name: Mindy
National: viet
Looks: 9/10 body of sexy milf, fit, healthy, works out, nice boobs
Face: 7/10 - cheeky mikf look, but not stunner (more cute cheeky)
Appearance: she dressed and had her hair like 1950s swing beat dancer (I assume to appeal to the more senior)
Attitude: 8/10 flirty
Comma: limited English
Service: 8/10 - painful massage, OK cbj, good grind
Cost: 1500 entry (for private shower room, 5000 for sex) way more than what it should cost, but I thought better get good side
Recommend: maybe venue, girl yes
Return: venue maybe, girl probably want to see others
Open: 24/7

On leaving I was grabbing her tits, and pinching her are, I really wanted to fuck her again in the shower, in the lift down, she turned me on - but I want to see other girls.

Wish I could catch the fit young hottie's on wechat...but have no contacts


hkpunter999 30-1-2017 02:13 Karma +2 Awesome!
JJJ37 30-1-2017 02:23 Karma +3
UncleDad 30-1-2017 10:23 Karma +3
MothToAFlame 30-1-2017 10:58 Karma +4 Good reporting
jeffzeke 30-1-2017 13:45 Karma +4 thanks for sharing
skml 30-1-2017 21:00 Karma +2
Dr.A 31-1-2017 17:02 Karma +3
nyctohkvacation 1-2-2017 11:12 Karma +2
CockasaurusX 17-3-2017 05:56 Acceptance +1 Excellent
Macau81 17-3-2017 09:29 Karma +4

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