Original Post

15-1-2017 15:22
Kama - Helen

Face 4/5 (cute chinese girl next door look)
Body 3/5
Service 4/5
Gfe 5/5
Pse 1/5
Damage 900hkd for 1 hour
Wir yes

Got the VIP service but in normal room with no regrets. Helen is 25-26 years old from China (forgot which city). Speaks very little English but she tries. Very accomadating. Basically had free reign since it was VIP service. Standard massage for the first 30 minutes with good pressure at the right points with me feeling up her thighs and ass. Moved on to alot of light teasing and even prostate fingering. Went on to the flip with some DFK and boy was she wet down there. Licked me all over. Could tell she was in the mood. Started fingering her which made her more wet and horny. In turn she finished me off by fingering my ass and jerking me off. All in all a very good session.

hotjac 15-1-2017 19:40 Karma +1 VIP's advantages :)
JJJ37 16-1-2017 02:13 Karma +2
NeverWong 16-1-2017 11:30 Acceptance +1
wanchaiguy 16-1-2017 12:15 Karma +2

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