Original Post

14-1-2017 02:01
KH Natalia is back in town

My fav Siberian gem is back in town She'll be here until 2 Feb. She's in Room 7A5 this time round. For those bros that missed her Last time round, she is a must try and repeat. I have repeated x3 and will be doing her a few more times before she leaves again.

Service was ultra friendly as she remembered me, CBJ was wet and deep throated, fuck was awesome!!! She does the best cowgirl ever and I left that position til last. Unloaded whilst she was on top but I was still hard and she kept on riding ... came again She could've carried on until unload number 3 came but I could take no more and was kinda scared that Dom may slip off.

She still would not let me take any pics but she is a dead ringer for Barbara Pavlin.

marmalade 15-1-2017 02:52 Karma +2 aye, gotta try this one!
salvarez 15-1-2017 19:46 Karma +2 Nice. Thanks for hitting it again and doing good old quality assurance!
JJJ37 25-1-2017 01:27 Karma +2
sniper111 29-1-2017 03:44 Acceptance +1
hotjac 31-1-2017 08:35 Karma +2 Oh, i must find a way to sneak into HK!
jeffzeke 31-1-2017 11:26 Acceptance +4 good info.

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