Original Post

14-1-2017 01:35
Girl in Foremostbuilding (bad exp)

Date & Time of Session:  12th January 2017 : around afternoon
Location:  Foremost building somewhere on the 11thor 10th floor door was on the back right (2nd door)
Name:  Didn't ask
Link: none
Agent: none
Nationality & Language: Vietnamese , pretty sure because I heard her talk alot on the phone
Age: mid twenties
Face:  4/5
Body:  3/5
Skill: 2/5
Service: 2/5
GFE: 1/5
PSE: 0/5
Price & Session Length:  500 (DUP + FS)
Repeat: Never

Sorry because of my unskilled punting forgot to ask name and remember the room..

Normally was going to meet up with 2 bros from this website. Sadly I already ate before they texted me and I went for a DUP + FS.
So girl opened door , looked fine enough and she said 500 HKD for DUP + whole package
I tried to be the cheapass guy and said 450 , she didnt bothered and said 500.
Went in for 500HKD and first thing there was 1 bed and 1 massagetable.
She asked me to lie on the massagetable and there goes the first call.
She picked up talked in Canto+vietnamese ... 1minute and closed the call. afther 3 minutes when she was doing de DUP she got another call. This time Vietnamese only...
Really I could keep telling the same thing. During the DUP she got like 10 phone calls.. she picked it all up and was talking more then giving me my service.

Finally DUP was done and I could fuck her. Let her sit on my lil bro, 3 minutes later, wanted to change to doggie. I wasn't pleased, but whatever just shoot my load and talked to her a little bit
Gave her 500 and putted this girl on my "lesson learned bucket list"

Really if you see a massagetable on the right and bed on the left and she looks like Vietnamese. Don't bother  ...
waste of money

JJJ37 14-1-2017 01:40 Karma +4
Thai-delight 14-1-2017 13:19 Karma +8 thx
cookiemonsta 14-1-2017 16:20 Karma +4
sam_smith 14-1-2017 17:47 Acceptance +1 Bad luck bro, get a good one next time
ernieb 15-1-2017 03:44 Karma +1 Thx
jeffzeke 16-1-2017 12:27 Karma +3 sorry for this bad experience.
quartz13579 16-1-2017 14:53 Karma +1
roy2921 17-1-2017 13:43 Acceptance +1 Original
Petay_1283 18-1-2017 09:09 Karma +2 sorry bro, it happens

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