Original Post

14-1-2017 01:23

Date & Time of Session: 11th January 2017
Location:  Flat F, 2/F, 112 - 114 Fuk Wing St., Sham Shui Po
Name:  Da Da
Link: http://go141.com/en/A26588-SSP-1 ... tar+(flower+banner)
Agent: None
Nationality & Language: Taiwanese (Cantonese, Mandarin, English)
Age: i think around end twenties
Face:  3,5/5
Body:  3,5/5
Skill: 3/5
Service: 4/5
GFE: 3/5
PSE: 1/5
Price & Session Length: 400 - 20 minutes? (+ 50 tips)
Repeat: No

Found this girl just on search DB
So let google translate some Chinese text for me and when to SSP.
Girl opened door .. I imagined her to look better. Anyway just went with the flow and got in. Girl said she gives good service.
Which was actually not bad. Got a CBJ and let her sit on top. Not long after I came .. (was a week ago since I last shot).
Experience was, too much fake moaning , didn't turn me on at all. And also non-stop talking. Well I am not a talker so it was pretty anoying.

Anyway good experience but not MCOT.

[ Last edited by  newfreshrice at 13-1-2017 18:35 ]

JJJ37 14-1-2017 01:40 Karma +2
hotjac 14-1-2017 10:57 Karma +1 Short and sweet
cookiemonsta 14-1-2017 16:18 Karma +4 Excellent
NeverWong 14-1-2017 16:24 Acceptance +1 Excellent
Petay_1283 18-1-2017 15:23 Karma +2 only 20 minutes
Phaychay 19-1-2017 12:26 Karma +3

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