Original Post

13-1-2017 14:33
Solid Bedrock, Nicole, Russian KH

Name: Nicole, Russian. Good English
Place: KH, turn left, end of corridor, on the right.
Tits: A cup
CBJ: 2.5/5, good but short
Sex: 4/5
WIR: Thinking about it

Small and petite, she seemed to like it a bit rough. LB got hard as a rock before CBJ. Short CBJ and...on to Cowgirl.

From here on, we were both possessed. Hard pumping and fucking like a jackhammer getting down to bed rock. She didn't want doggie. Only missionary, so being the gentleman I am, i obliged.

Went through 3 condoms, lots of lube. Allowed good nipple pinching, slight choking and titty slapping. Came nice and deep, she moaned the whole time and allowed me to go over time.

Good fuck!

sam_smith 13-1-2017 17:34 Acceptance +1 3 condoms you would have lit her pussy up!
goldfishxo 13-1-2017 20:32 Acceptance +1 Nice, but which floor? would love to seek her out
bigchief27a 13-1-2017 23:03 Karma +1

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