Original Post

11-1-2017 15:42
Jordan Vincent House 13/F 1A

Date & Time of Session:  Jan 10th Night
Location:  13/F Flat 1A, 89-93 Shanghai St, Jordan
Name: N/A as I couldn't quite make out what she was trying to say, but I suspect it might be 'I' (pronounced Eye) as another bro has documented
Link: that other site
Nationality & Language: Thai / little english
Age: Early 20's
Face: 3.5/5 Face is good, but has braces
Body: 4/5 body is great and natural, breast size is a bit small. Skin is healthy and smooth.
Skill: 4/5 no BBBJ, just CBBJ
Service: 4/5 nice attitude positive attitude.
GFE: 4.5/5
PSE: 3/5
Price & Session Length:  $300 for 30 min

I went after work, and it was my first time at Vincent House. It is not a big cluster like what you would find at King Hing/JSL and in fact there were many residential units. $300 is a  good deal. But the rooms were horrendous; there was not much lighting and almost everything was broken. Broken shower door, broken shower head, and paint was coming off the walls.

The sex was good. She was quite conservative with what she would do, no cbbj, no anal, etc. But she had a positive attitude throughout and went through almost all the standard positions.

Take a look at the picture of her door. And a picture of her in a cute outfit (no face).

*also the file size limit on the forum is ridiculous, I can never upload quality pics cause of the size restriction*

bohica 11-1-2017 21:53 Karma +5 Clarify no cbbj - so BBBJ then?!?
hkpunter999 11-1-2017 23:53 Karma +2 Nice!
NeverWong 11-1-2017 23:57 Acceptance +1 Favorable
batman108 12-1-2017 00:21 Karma +4 awesome and nice
Macau81 12-1-2017 01:10 Karma +4
theworm 12-1-2017 12:00 Karma +4 Excellent
tripwire 12-1-2017 14:35 Karma +2
obe 12-1-2017 20:54 Karma +10
JJJ37 13-1-2017 01:26 Karma +6
bigchief27a 13-1-2017 08:19 Karma +2 Excellent
modnar 13-1-2017 11:04 Karma +2
uzaktbk 13-1-2017 13:00 Acceptance +1 There are certain limitations they impose on their service.... The desperate ones who tries to make more cash would do ...
ernieb 15-1-2017 03:46 Karma +2 Thanks for reporting
roy2921 17-1-2017 13:46 Acceptance +1 Excellent

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