Original Post

6-1-2017 22:23

It's like people trying snake or frogs legs for the first time thinking tha5 it was chicken, and then running. They think it's delicious when they are it, and had multiple helpings, then they gag and dry heave when you tell them it was snake or frogs after the fact.
It's already done. You thought it was good. Just chalk it up to a favourable experience and move on.

You're not "buying" that washer. You're just using it one time. So long as it washes your clothes andyour clothes come out clean, and you had a favourable time washing your clothes.... where are you being cheated?

Again, I'm not encouraging people to go run and see LBs. I'm just saying there's no need to get all weirded out by them. There's certainly no need to chastise anyone who might have ended up with one. If it happens, it happens.


MothToAFlame 6-1-2017 22:31 Karma +2 It's a reasonable perspective but everyone freaked the fuck out when they learned we'd all been eating horse meat burg ...

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