Original Post

16-12-2016 02:06
Serenity Spa (TST) - Emily

I've been semi-retired from the punting lifestyle, so it's been ages since I've written a report. I like to come here to see what's going on, but that's about the extent of my involvement. My girlfriend has a clever way of keeping me out of trouble: she just fucks my brains out all the time so that I'm too busy to even think about getting any on the side. It seems to work for both of us.   But she's back home visiting her folks for a week, and what do you know, my shoulders feel kind of tight, and my back is creaky, and my leg aches a little, so it's off to Serenity on Monday night to get things set right.

I asked the manager who she would recommend for a good massage. They always had at least one girl there who can deliver a top-quality massage, and this time it was Emily. So MinorInfection stole my thunder already, because I agree with pretty much everything he says in his report. Emily's a big girl, not fat but strong, with soft hands, and she knew just what she was doing. I came out feeling ten years younger, and not for the usual reason. I was practically skipping down the street when it was over. This was one of the best massages I've had anywhere.

Date and time:  Dec 12, 2016, late evening
Location:  Serenity Spa
Name:  Emily
Language: I spoke Mando with her
Age: late 20s
Face:  3/5
Body:  3.5/5
Skill: 6/5
Service: 3.5/5
Price & Session Length: HKD500 for 60 min
Repeat: Yes

It's nice having a place where the standard for part 1 is so high. There's something about pure veggie massage places that's just too boring. I've tried it, and it doesn't work for me. And you don't really save that much money by going veggie either. The hour-long massage with HE is still only HKD500 at Serenity, which is what it's been for as long as I can remember.

They've redecorated, so it looks much nicer, but the basic layout is still the same. There were a lot of girls there, more than there used to be, I think. I snagged the last empty room and there were still three or four girls in the waiting room. Between when I went in and when I went out, I saw about six or seven different girls and only a couple familiar faces. So I have lots of catching up to do. I actually did some catching up tonight with a sweet young thing in a very short skirt , but more on that next time.

jeffzeke 16-12-2016 07:55 Acceptance +2 good information, thanks!
Petay_1283 16-12-2016 13:21 Karma +4 thanks
Mister 16-12-2016 13:45 Karma +3 Welcome back. How was the HE? Enough access to her lady bits?
zebra 16-12-2016 15:57 Karma +3 Great report!
MinorInfection 16-12-2016 22:06 Acceptance +1 Join the club, brother~
LowKey 16-12-2016 22:28 Acceptance +1
sam_smith 21-12-2016 12:06 Acceptance +1
ergodyne85 21-12-2016 13:01 Acceptance +1 Favorable
NeverWong 21-12-2016 17:41 Acceptance +1 Excellent

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