Original Post

14-12-2016 22:30
JSL - 9/F - Skinny Druggie Russian - crap attitude, crap punt

Went up to see thus girl. Suspect she was well reviewed before in KH. Skinny, disappointing face, maybe 30s, tattoos on leg, and one sunflower like one on arm.

All went wrong:
. odor from fanny was off putting
. her bitchy attitude
. during sex she kept a plucked chicken posture - her legs up, her arms folded like wings, her facing away with eyes shut...not sexy at all
. lost interest, so left

Could have asked for money back, but thought no point in it. Why cause stress to her...better to avoid anger and accept that is the nature of the game, a gambit, a risk, a punt.

Be warned guys.

[ Last edited by  FlyingBreadMan at 14-12-2016 22:31 ]

Petay_1283 15-12-2016 10:55 Karma +4 sorry bro
swan 16-12-2016 00:44 Karma +5 toftt---thanks for reporting
ManchesterU 25-12-2016 11:21 Acceptance +1
bigchief27a 25-12-2016 20:37 Karma +1
jeffzeke 13-1-2017 12:50 Acceptance +3 sorry to hear about this.

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