Original Post

20-11-2016 07:55
[Switzerland] [Lucerne] Lucerne Bar Bijou

Today I went to Zürich for some daytime-drinking (Latest trend in Switzerland: Go and get wasted on a saturday afternoon. On monday morning you will be sober again and ready for work). Back in Luzern I went to Bijou. After a few seconds I was approached by a black beauty. No need to convince me Since she promised the blue from the sky. To cut it short: I was to drunk to get a hard-on. Anyways here are some impressions from this memorable night and waste of money.

Damage: Fr. 200.- for a nice chat. At least she offered some drugs.

[ Last edited by  jetsetting2much at 22-11-2016 06:28 ]

nyctohkvacation 21-11-2016 04:39 Karma +2 too bad. what a waste.
batman108 22-11-2016 01:01 Karma +4 awesome and thanks
stinkyfeet 26-11-2016 05:49 Karma +6 Lol cash on the panties. So ghetto
jeffzeke 29-11-2016 13:05 Karma +1 you came out ahead I'm sure, LOL.

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