Original Post

17-11-2016 10:43
[Australia] [Melbourne] Oriental Orchids - Junie (First Anal Experience)

Name : Junie
Establishment : Oriental Orchids  
Nationality: Hong Kong
Age: 25 - 30
Face: 3.5/5
Body: 4/5
Skill: 4/5
Service: 4/5
Price & Session Length: 95 AUD /20 mins

I was out on the road this morning and decided that I would go to the Pheonix. As I was approaching I saw a couple of cars
turning that way. Looked as though it was going to be busy so I drove around the corner to Oriental Orchids.
I've been there before and the place is a dump but waht the hay.

It was about 11am and 3 girls were available, 2 thais and Junie from Hong Kong. Junie was every enthusiastic and rattled
off a number of promises, none of which I could understand because she spoke quickly with a strong accent. But it
sounded good so she was my choice.

Into the room and showered. There begins an unusual punt. On to the bed with Junie, starting with some DFK, unusual for a WL in Melbourne.
Started fondling her boobs which was OK but not the nipples. Asked if I could suck her tits, NO, but you can lick my pussy or my arsehole.

Junie then positions herself in the 69 position and starts a really good BBBJ which her pussy in my face for DATY. So I started
to lick her pussy. When I touched her clit with my finger, "no", you lick.

Soon I need to fuck, so I let her know. "You want to fuck in arse". Never done that before, so why not.

On with the dom and she guides me in. A little tight on entry but nice comfy ride to

After the deed and clean up, Junie keeps reminding me, "come back and Fuck me again, tuesday, wednesday , thursday".

All in all not a bad session but a little strange with touching, sucking preferences.

austin821 17-11-2016 11:22 Karma +3 good find
thmd 18-11-2016 07:01 Karma +2 Original
nyctohkvacation 21-11-2016 04:51 Acceptance +2
atomic3d 21-11-2016 14:40 Karma +3 Favorable
jeffzeke 15-12-2016 12:11 Karma +2 great, thanks for sharing!

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