Original Post

14-11-2016 16:41
I got a completely different girl

Being new, I wasn't sure if I should start a thread or comment here...so I'll comment here.

I saw Ji-Su last week and the person that arrived is completely different than the images and different than this post.  I'm going to assume this is an agency.

Name : Ji-Su
Nationality: Korean
Age: 30+
Face: 3/10 - round, overly applied makeup
Body: 3/10  - more than baby fat tummy, legs doesn't match upper body, small see cup
Skill: 5/10  
Price & Session Length: 200,000 won - 60 mins

She came to my place with a big puffy jacket, so I couldn't determine her body shape until I produce the donation and she remove the jacket.  I should of turned her away after opening the door, just by her look - I just need the courage to do it to these fake provider

The deed was performed after she decided to suckle at my nipple...I stopped that right away.  I don't care for that part.  I told her to Oral, then proceeded to get a BBBJ, place the cap on and headed to doggy, attempted to bang sideways, then in mish.  We showered separately and off she went.

stinkyfeet 14-11-2016 23:23 Karma +4 Lesson be learned. Do as Romans do in Rome

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