Original Post

10-9-2016 21:25
Shenzhen Fuyuan Spa

Date & Time of Session:  15/8/16
Location:  Fuyuan Spa
No : 108
Nationality & Language: Mandarin
Age: early 20s
Face:  8/10
Body:  9/10
Skill: 9/10
Service: 10/10
GFE: 9/10
PSE: 9/10
Price & Session Length:  288rmb 90mins
Repeat: Yes.

I have been to this hj spa a few times. This is located close to the hospital, across from the Ktv. You have to take the outside elevator to the 4th floor.

Do the usual shower and pjs, and proceed to the lounge.

Stayed in the lounge area and did a thigh massage, no charge for the massage but have to give tips, gal quite pretty, gave 50 tips. Ate toast and had a coffee.There were quite a few pretty ones walking about in sexy uniforms.  Went to the computer upfront and selected 108, looks sweet. Find that there are quite a few good looking ones, and young ones at this spa.

Told the captain I was ready and was lead to a room and waited for the gal. She came in and was happy with looks, quite close to the photo, sweet. She gave a massage first, then started teasing lil bro. Used lots of techniques to arouse me including the usual kissing on your back routine. She even used the back of her knee to massage lil bro and it felt good. At the final, while she was going lil bro, she put her breast into my mouth to let me suck which she was toying with my lil bro with different strokes, finally could not take it anymore and shot a big load.

I have been to some bbbj spa, but sometimes find the sensation of a good hj can be more satisfying. Will alternate between bbbj spa and hj spa.

Have her wechat, if interested, can pm me for it.

[ Last edited by  coqhk at 10-9-2016 21:50 ]

stinkyfeet 10-9-2016 22:02 Karma +6 Vitamins Bj and vitamins Hj are recommended daily
LeoCan 10-9-2016 22:44 Karma +3 Original
MothToAFlame 11-9-2016 00:36 Karma +2 Excellent
Weelock 11-9-2016 03:22 Karma +2
sorjai85 11-9-2016 08:43 Karma +1 Nice.. Could you share her contacts
theworm 11-9-2016 09:59 Karma +4 Excellent
papalee 12-9-2016 15:50 Acceptance +1 Excellent
Marky31 12-9-2016 18:52 Karma +3 Excellent
bossmanfred 12-9-2016 21:01 Karma +3 nicely found!
batman108 12-9-2016 23:27 Karma +4 awesome and thanks
Pf79i 13-9-2016 01:55 Acceptance +1 Favorable
Rockmy 14-9-2016 23:22 Karma +6 Excellent
sgblueboi 20-9-2016 00:16 Acceptance +1 Excellent
Mcln2 20-9-2016 01:38 Acceptance +1 Nice narrative bro, please share the WeChat
Siklong69 25-9-2016 00:04 Karma +4 Nice one!
michael123 30-9-2016 03:16 Acceptance +1 Excellent! can you send me her wechat?
Mister 10-10-2016 21:31 Karma +3 Thanks
Nekohima 11-10-2016 20:16 Acceptance +1
Ian8562 16-10-2016 19:51 Acceptance +1
usengineer 20-10-2016 23:39 Karma +1 Thanks for the details!
ravage1202 24-10-2016 08:35 Acceptance +1 Excellent
abergi66 25-10-2016 03:13 Acceptance +1 Excellent! can you send me her wechat, please?
Chasem 6-11-2016 15:35 Karma +3 Awesome stuff
skml 7-11-2016 01:04 Karma +3
kinta805 19-11-2016 00:01 Acceptance +1 Excellent
Leg_o_man 29-11-2016 00:15 Karma +3 Excellent
obe 29-11-2016 06:45 Karma +10 Excellent
blast77 29-11-2016 11:41 Karma +3 Excellent
JJJ37 31-12-2016 01:13 Karma +6
hotjac 12-1-2017 19:14 Karma +1 i need to find this place
archnovel 6-3-2017 03:21 Acceptance +1 Pls share their WeChat and also of places around in SZ and GZ or Foshan. Thanks
AsnDragon 11-3-2017 15:21 Karma +7 great R&D! King of SZ massage Shops

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