Original Post

21-6-2016 16:48

Originally posted by ernieb at 21-6-2016 15:28
So... I bummed I to an "ex-gf" last Friday and all that fond bed room memories kept firing back.. But she and I are seeing someone new, still I felt kinda meh coz she was nice

I d ...

Sorry to hear that... Long shot, but maybe she was having a terrible day and was one of those moods? Maybe she had a really bad punter just before you, and wasn't feeling well? Everyone has off days, so maybe that explains it?
Having said that, another alternative could be that she's started to fall for you and got rather upset that you're not seeing her so much. Maybe she does feel the same as you - excellent chemistry (before!) and wanted it to continue.

One last option could be that she is coming short of funds and was hoping to pin you down as a regular source of income, and when she noticed your absence, likely because you're getting it elsewhere, she's now jealous and doesn't see you as "faithful" haha, so that's why she doesn't see much need o service you as well as before.

ernieb 23-6-2016 22:43 Acceptance +3
BIG10INCH 24-6-2016 01:12 Acceptance +1 Amazing how WG's get jealous!

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