Original Post

14-6-2016 19:02

Started mongering early this month, was apprehensive AR first, but quickly got over my fear. I've been to 4 clusters so far.

King Hing in Mongkok: Mu friend took me there, my first exposure. It has 14 floors, and you'll find 4 to 10 girls per floor. Chinese, Thai and Russian are usually to be found. Price wise $400 for Chinese/Thai, and $600 for Russian.

Champaign Court in TST: not as many girls, they are clustered in the top 4 floors. Was disappointed in the selection. I've only seen Chinese and Thai, and they are asking $600.

Fuji Building in CWB: 21 floors, with 4 -8 girls per floor. Quality is a but higher than King Hing, but not by much. Mostly Chinese and Thai, $600.

James S Lee Mansion in TST: I've only been there once at 1pm, so most WG's were out. The ones that opened the doors were mostly Chinese, I suspect they are locals. The quality is quite good. There are 9 floors but 141 starts at the 8th floor. 2nd and 3rd floor seem to have the highest concentration of WG's. Most are asking $500.

Macau81 14-6-2016 21:55 Acceptance +4 good write-up
labanog 16-9-2016 23:21 Acceptance +1
Fusco 13-12-2016 19:37 Acceptance +1
noowiii 15-3-2017 21:04 Acceptance +1 Recent and detailed building descriptions, thanks for price detail per type of girl! Awesome, bro

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