Original Post

14-4-2016 01:08
its confirmed. I fucked a dude :S

I'm not going to list the stats cause its a repeat of that skinny Thai girl at Fuji 14th floor.  So rating is pretty much the same.  Only I found the service to be worse this time.  Especially when I expected better the second time around.

So after all that talk about the hot Thai guy/chick.  I decided to go back today just to get one last fuck before its too late.  As ive noticed some of the girls at Fuji have changed already, I'm guessing there stay has expired.

Got to Fuji and there was a line up at the lift.  That wasn't a good sign as it typically means alot of please wait signs.
Went right to the 14th floor expecting a line up cause I thought after all the reviews about her recently would make her super popular.  But it seems quite the opposite.

Got to the Thai section and all three of them were standing outside there room just chatting.  And as soon as they saw me, they all somehow knew I came back for her and just went back into there room.

Shower was worst than the first time as it took her a while to get in with me just standing around naked and waiting.  Wasnt as attentive as before either.  Pretty much the same routine.  Only I fucked her face harder this time making her Gag and spit mode.  But she wouldn't spit on my cock which is what I like.  All porn style and sloppy.  She would spit into a towel or something.

When it came to fucking, same shit with bottoming out.  This time I paid more attention to her face and I can tell it was pretty painful.  Tried all positions quickly.  With doggy she would constantly pull away.  Since she looked like she was in alot of pain and my LB only goes half way in anyways I decided to stop fucking and told her to suck me off instead.

She is still good at sucking dick.  But didn't seem as good as before.  Not sure if it's just my mind or that first time excitement.  But the more I look at her face...... The more I kinda see a guy face lol.  So I just stopped looking being afraid I would loose my hard on.  The BJ and hj went on for a while.  I started to jerk off with her sucking me and her face on top so I blew my load hoping it would cover her face.  But I didn't mega man charge my load enough and it didnt build up enough pressure.  Just kinda got in her mouth, chin and mostly back on myself as I was laying down and shooting up.

She quickly wiped up.  Handed me a roll of paper towel and went to the washroom.  I took a minute or two wiping up and just chilling on the bed waiting for my come in the shower signal.  I didn't get one so I ventured in myself finding her over the sink washing up constantly gargling mouthwash cup after cup.  So I guess next time I should eat pineapple first lol.

She didn't help me in the shower at all.  I just washed myself as she did the same thing as before to go talk to the neighbor chick while I was in the shower.

As I was toweling off I asked her if she was a ladyboy.  And she said yes.  Did not deny it at all.  Asked how I knew and I mentioned her halfway deep pussy and her big feet.  So the guessing game is over.  Even tho I was fairly certain the first time.

Chit chatted a bit.  Said she would be leaving in a week and told me she owns a wedding shop in Thailand and she's not a WG there.  I don't know if that is BS.  Nor do I actually care.

To sum it up.  I was a little disappointed with the repeat.  As from experience, repeats usually gets better service.  Not declining service.  And I guess it ruined the excitement of the first time for me.  Definitely felt more like she was just there to do the job.  And no gfe feel to it at all.

If this was my first punt experience with her/him/it I would not have repeated not recommend to other bros.

Oh and those dents on her tits are still there.  They don't pop back out. Lol

cheesosaurus 14-4-2016 05:53 Karma +4 Braver man than I. Braver man than I. Thanks for sharing! Truly. I've been curious, but never that curious. Bravo!
jake.houston 14-4-2016 06:51 Karma +6 Shallow pussy and dented tits. What a hottie! Nice work man.
dryice 14-4-2016 06:54 Karma +4 Kudos for getting to the bottom of it!
Jack_Sparrow 14-4-2016 07:53 Karma +4 Well done, she must be tired hence a lower quality service.You should have insisted on anal :p
isaacdeweyliu 14-4-2016 08:10 Karma +1
lootbag 14-4-2016 08:14 Acceptance +6 Don't know what to say...
ramont 14-4-2016 08:24 Karma +10
Alwaysfuun 14-4-2016 11:21 Karma +6 Laughing with you not at you! bahahahha
ernieb 14-4-2016 12:44 Karma +3 The floor with the blue lights
JackTheBat 14-4-2016 17:24 Karma +10 Points for satisfying curiosity and giving an honest report. Hey, stuff happens...
Macau81 14-4-2016 21:46 Karma +3
lively192 14-4-2016 22:28 Karma +2 my condolences
kevlar 15-4-2016 00:38 Karma +1 He should have paid you!
teddy47 17-4-2016 05:59 Acceptance +1 Well shit guess I did too :P
mikeymike2718 18-4-2016 16:15 Karma +2 Don't worry. What's done is done. I'm pretty sure 14/f Fuji has been a ladyboy complex for as far as I can remember!
akka 21-4-2016 14:51 Karma +6 Excellent
onlykkkk 28-4-2016 00:36 Acceptance +1 Excellent! Salute to your honesty!!
tonyandguy 17-6-2016 15:43 Karma +2

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