Original Post

22-3-2016 22:10

I like seafood, but not abalone, I prefer to pay and go to a seafood restaurant. I like crabs and fish.

As for the spa, it really depend on what you are after, I mean, in shenzhen pacific used to the most expensive and probably the best, with the best girls, especially the girls walking in the lobby with mini skirts at 12-15 inchs long, but now it's still expensive and everything there is now down the drain.

And i usually go to the spa at around 7pm 2-3 hrs TV, then a massage, then to sleep in the room, so I don't usually eat much in these place, and now that I have stopped eating meat, there is lot less choice.

My regular is waterfall spa with coupon so my massage cost me RMB 200 which should cost RMB 289, nice girls especially my two personnal ones, so I have to use 2 coupons everytime I go there with two massage service everytime, one for each girls and a large tip on top, total cost around RMB 1000 and that is without special service, one of them provide HJ, the other does not.

[ Last edited by  skml at 22-3-2016 22:12 ]

pfgtpfgt 18-5-2016 17:00 Acceptance +1 is this waterfall spa in SZ or SH? would love to try. care to share which girl does HJ? thanks.
stinkyfeet 19-5-2016 00:09 Karma +4 You missed the joke lol. Guizhou doesn't have abalone unless there young and female

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