If I had to stop being stupid, and have fun voicing my sometimes poorly formed opinions and one liners on the board just because I'm mod, I'd give up. Sure, I'm happy to help out deleting spam and drafting sticky threads, but the real fun is participating on the board. And If I say something stupid, people can argue with me.
Actually copied reports bother me more than fake ones. At least the bullshit artist has crafted the damn thing himself. As has been said, most of us can spot bs and call people on it pretty fast. But it is harder to spot copies - that needs lots of eyes from people who participate on multiple boards around the world. You don't have to be a janitor to help pick up litter.
Mongering style - I'm not sure I've changed much. I still pick the hottie from the lineup when I should be concentrating on the one with the beaming smile. But how else do you find the girls with both? I guess where I've changed is in length of session, very rarely doing the 1 hour sessions now. There's no time for spooning, or midnight tickle fights in a short session. | |