so ... as a mod, I am not entitled to voicing out my opinions? You are entitled to your opinions just like us mere peasants on this forum.
It is very odd though that you suggest the below
"what a person write on this board does not necessary reflect his real life mongering experience.
most online stories are bullshit, written to gain karma or "respect"
Is it not your job as a MOD to weed those reports out?
I think senior Bros here would agree with me that spotting a fake report is very easy.
u must be kidding, not everyone, but such people exists Goose You honestly believe people come here to gain respect from people they have never met?
Either Bro Goose had an incredibly small penis or ego to come here for respect... perhaps both.
And yes I still think many people are karma whore. Because they like to contribute to the forum more than other bros?
Let me remind you a MOD has nothing to do without us peasants being here.
But I guess nowadays people tend to be over sensitive. Bro Wander summarized this perfectly with "Ya call everyone here liars and yeah... people get sensitive. Go figure."
I appreciate you have been a MOD here for many years and I am grateful for that but with the comments you have made perhaps you are past your expired date?
And yes I agree with TD we should get back on the topic of
Is this difference I perceive in mongering styles due to cultural difference or age difference? ... Obe |