Original Post

28-11-2015 23:29
trannie in Zurich

Moderators:  Not sure where this post belongs, but please move to where it might be appropriate.

I was in Zurich 2 nights ago and called in a Thai outcall.  The package that arrived was very attractive, but when undressed, I saw that the pubic hair was draped like that of many guys I have seen in gym baths over the years.  So I paid a small rejection fee and sent her away.

I talked to a Swiss sex change doctor who told me that my assessment was most likely correct.  The most difficult thing to change was the public hair growth structure, which is why most trannies are completely shaved.  In Asia where shaving is more rare, the first thing to check would be the pubic hair.  If the hair is matted or truly unruly and bushy, then chances of a true female increase. Otherwise, buyer beware.

Thanks for letting me share this little bit of information.

MothToAFlame 29-11-2015 16:02 Karma +2 Interesting but I'm not really sure I know what you mean by "draped"
yazoo 30-11-2015 02:49 Karma +1 Interesting

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