Original Post

24-8-2015 09:59
Reply #1 yazoo's post

I actually put Something Else

initially thought "Face" would cover it ... but that's too broad ... and it's not about her face as such but ...

I actually look for an ensemble of body language ... that includes posture, smile, clothing, makeup, etc ... knowing she chose those pictures, why did she choose those and not other pictures that were taken? ... how does her choice compare with the choices made by other girls (or by their agents), and what does that say about her attitude?  

At the end of the day 90% of the experience is her personality and attitude, as long as she falls in between fairly broad acceptable limits on figure + height + weight + looks she'll do fine, so personality and attitude is what I'm looking to gauge.  

And a picture, as we know, speaks a thousand words

while we can only hope to read, or write, a few hundred at a time

homer168 26-8-2015 08:07 Acceptance +1 wise words Mr. Mayor!
yazoo 31-8-2015 02:22 Acceptance +5 Yes, there's a lot that can be derived from the whole package

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