Original Post

17-6-2008 22:50
Reply #11 Marsupial's post

I guess this has to be taken context. Actually I read this in a book about 20-25 years ago by an English Lord who was married to a woman who didn't like sex and refused to undress in front of him. He then started going to whores. At one stage he thought he was in love with a whore. Then he thought why can't my wife be like a whore. After a few years his wife was doing everything the whores did in bed.
Then he thought that the whores don't put any feeling when screwing so he started treating them like ladies, with politeness, dignity and respect.. He then found that when the whores saw that he was treating them as equals, they actually put in a genuine effort to please him instead of getting him out the door asap. His quote was "To have genuine satisfaction treat a lady like a whore and a whore like a lady"
A few years later I read a book by an American who changed it to "Treat your wife like a whore and a whore like a wife and you won't go wrong".
When I saw this thread I immediately thought of the American version but I  the English one was the original.
So there you have it - a generalisation but maybe true in some cases.

I am not Italian. My parents are English and I was born in India and then migrated to Australia when young. I got fed up of people asking me if I was Indian because of my accent so I would say "Yes, Apache" which confused them. So using the Englishman's play on words I got Indian= Apache= Native American Red Indian= Tonto [as in the Lone Ranger].

So I wasn't being stupid or a smartarse - just quoting an Englishman without putting it in context.

hunter 17-6-2008 23:35 Karma +1 lovely quote!!!

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