Lately I got some PMs asking about the hotel walk-ins and I could not point them to a thread that can help the HG newbies. I found a reasonably useful FAQ on the Chinese side so I took that and added more of my own experience as follows. If there is already something similar on this forum, I am glad to be enlightened. If not, feel free to use this.
What is a HG?
HG = Hotel girl. As "Operating a brothel in a hotel room" is not really something you want to publicize on a web site, go141.com more discreetly calls them "Young Buddies" (as they are generally younger than the 141 walk-ups).
How do I book a HG?
Look for your choice of girl in the 141 DB. Call the number provided. Some of the agents speak English but most don't. So keep the exchange simple. I mean absolutely no chit chat no questions.
You: Girl xxx today 5:30pm ok?
Agent: ok. Hotel xyz. Call me at the lobby.
That's it. Say anything more in English you are going to get more confused.
When you arrive at the hotel, call the agent. He will call you back in 5 min and tell you the room number. He needs that 5 min to check if the girl is in the room and ready. You may need to wait for more if there is delay (last customer delay, girl in toilet etc)
Google map the hotel address. Asking for instructions in English is going to make him confused and cancel your booking.
If you really need to text the agent, you can call the number in the ad and ask for the WeiXin (Wechat). They change their wechat frequently.
Don't try sms the ad number. They have like 10 of those numbers call forward to a few phones so most of them can't see the sms.
How long is a session with hotel girls?
Usually 45 minutes.
How many "happy endings" per session? Can I have 2 shots?
1 shot per session (and shot in any way). If you want two shots, double the price e.g. $900 x 2
How much is an overnight session? What start / end time? How many shots?
Usually the price is standard single session price x 3. E.g. For a $900 girl, it is $2700. The start / end times vary (e.g. starts mid-night , end 9am next morning). Must ask the agent. You can expect at least 2 shots (one during the night and one next morning). Anything extra is beyond standard service and your mileage may vary.
Also not every agent / girl provide overnight service. Popular girls who do many customers during the day may not be onthe overnight menu (and agents don't want to overwork them).
Does the price includes fee for the venue / room? Can I ask her out to another venue?
The price includes the room already. If you want her in another location, ask the agent. It will be more expensive and the agent does not do that for every girl / customer (commuting time for a popular girl is time wasted that could have been making $....and agents generally don't trust a new customer to bring their girls outside of the premise).
Do I need to bring my own towel / condoms?
No you don't. You can bring your own if you want.
Where are the hotels? Are they hard to find?
Ask the agent for directions when you book the girl. If a tourist can find a hotel, so can you. Google Map is your friend.
In any case, don't discuss specific hotels in this forum!
If the girl looks very different from the ad, what can I do?
GO INTO THE ROOM FIRST. You are not required to pay until the girl calls the agent to confirm your visit. As you step into the room, the girl will ask you whether you are ok with her. You can say no and then leave without paying. You are advised to call the agent to clarify.
Do not stand outside the room and argue. That will attract unnecessary attention and ruin the whole industry for us.
Also, for those that are new to HG, modern makeup and photo editing techniques imply there can be big difference between the photos and the girls. You will learn the imagination skills needed to recognize the girls from the ads as you punt more.
What is "Bait & Switch" (B&S)? What can I do?
It means you ask for a particular girl but you see another girl when you walk into the room. I mean it is really a different girl, not different looks of the same girl because of make-up.
There can be many reasons. Maybe the agent heard your request differently, maybe he mixed up the room numbers ....on the bad side, you might have asked for a girl who is not available because she has already left HK, or she is busy with other customers, but the agent does not want to lose your business and is trying to see if another girl will do.
As with the case above, you are entitled to just walk away as long as the girl has not called back the agent. You are advised to call the agent to clarify.
What "services" can I expect from a HG? Do I get extra services like DFK / CIM/ DATY etc?
Standard service is shower, (covered) BJ and ML. Anything else is considered extra. You can ask the agent if the girl has that service or you can ask the girl on the spot (WHEN YOU ARE IN THE ROOM, NOT OUTSIDE).
I clicked a link on a report but it said offline.
By definition, HG do not live in HK. They are usually visitors. They are in HK and provide services only for a short period of time (7 days usually, sometimes less, sometimes more). Any HG report you read that are more than a few days old are by default useless, unless the girl comes back to HK for a second visit.
[ Last edited by skebe at 15-1-2017 10:39 ] | |