Original Post

2-5-2014 02:57
Reply #278 geek's post

Glad you has such a great time!  And yeah... the WYP website works great, right?

Now then... about Cherry.

I have no doubt the two of you connected.  The chemistry was there.  So damn great, right?

You were together a total of two nites?  Did I get that right?  Awfully quick for anyone to say such words so quickly.  But.... a possible sugardaddy bonus for her from time-to-time if she hooks you?  I cant help but think that a request for "help" (cash) will be coming down the skypes at some point.  No woman, and no situation, is exactly the same, But:  I think you played it right.  You didnt say "You love her" back and I suggest you dont.  Tell her you think she's great but that's it.  You'll see her, hopefully, when you return to HK.  Nothing more.

Keep one thing solidly in mind:  you DON'T know her at all yet.  Meeting over a couple days when you are at your best, and she is at her best -- both trying hard to make a great nite of it -- is not indicative of how either of you really are day-to-day.  

Maybe I am being just a bit of a jaded punter -- and you know I love getting into these intense WG-romances myself.  But long-distance ones are all-but-impossible in the best of circumstances.  Little joy, plenty of frustration.  Put your energy into to a gal close to you.  Much better return on your cash, emotions, and brain-power.

Good luck, Bro.

geek 2-5-2014 06:05 Karma +1 We spent 10 nights together and a lot of time during the day in between too.

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