Original Post

12-2-2014 20:44
In the moment of truth, follow your feeling

Was in HK some years ago for a few days. Don't remember how, but somehow knew a walk-in address. Got there quite late and was very nervous. First I didn't dare to knock a door, but after I saw a few other guys getting into rooms I got too jealous...Lol. Knocked the first door and was stunned: a gorgeous beauty, tall with perfect features, opened the door, another very pretty one sitting on the bed. She looked at me and I didn't know what to say, just mumbled something like hello and alike. She was not very patient and hardly smiled, so I wasn't encouraged to dare more and the door closed soon later with me still being outside. I regretted somehow because she was really a 10/10 to me, but ok, at least I tried.
I stayed in the building, looked for a quite area with no observers and tried another door. The girl looked nice, good body with a nice smile. She helped me to break the ice. I liked her attitude, felt very good with her communication and soon I stepped in. What followed was a memory for lifetime. She was extraordinary sweet, no English, but my rudimentary Chinese was enough to communicate about personal things. The service was real GFE, very patient and eager to please me in any ways. In return I took a long time to test her reactions on my kisses, touches, hugs and... In the end I stayed there 2 hours full of incredible pleasure and returned home with great memory and happiness :-)

Learning point: better follow my feeling than follow my eyes! Intuition and gut feeling are the best guides

kaleu 12-2-2014 22:28 Acceptance +1 Learning Point: Life is all about the memories, so live life to the fullest.
jmillerhk1972 28-3-2014 13:48 Acceptance +1 Yeah those are the best one. sometime you will meet one that has no comm skills and you still have a great time. Most of ...

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