Original Post

28-1-2014 15:49
Reply #268 wander's post


Hot tub place s basically a spa place where 1-4 (usually the max number is 4) can go to have a private hot tub room. It can range from pretty nasty to fairly upscale; but many of them are also known as hourly spas where high school or college kids to go f_ck. They usually have a private room with a sauna or steam room, private shower area, plus a hot tub/jacuzzi.

I think my date, super sweet 22 yo girl, was guilty because she had not thought that she was going to give into her own bodily needs. She started it by asking/letting me massage her feet in the tub, and then played with my balls through my swimming trunks, before pulling them them down give me a little bit of a yank. We ended it with mutual oral.    But I guess she just didn't feel it after I dropped her back off at her house, which is too bad.

Here is an example of a nicer place: http://watercourseway.com/tub-rooms/

[ Last edited by  narutoki at 28-1-2014 16:23 ]

wander 28-1-2014 17:21 Acceptance +3 Ahhh I see. Huh. Sorta got to 3rd base and then gone! Ouch! That hurts!
doghead 29-1-2014 14:11 Karma +1 Hmm, I thought those places were where they gays hanged out.

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