Original Post

8-11-2013 13:35
Reply #3 DArtagnan's post

Hehe dart, those were the only two things I ever ordered there. Fish'n' chips or Bangers 'n' Mash. (ohh, sometimes Chicken wings).

I can't say any of it was world-class food --- but definately edible. And well, the company and atmosphere had it's own seductive allure, right?

The best thing about those two pubs (OCH and Queen Vic) was the wickedly diverse and (often) odd blokes you would meet. From all over the world. And how they found themselves at OCH that nitewas usually a good story all by itself.

But, again, not for someone looking for a "refined" evening.

Anyway.. Food in Wanchai??  You MUST try CintaJ!!!  (across from Escape).   Specializes in all flavours of South East Asian (Thai, PI, Vietnamese, etc). Damn good food, and often MANY off-duty bargirls from said-country enjoying a bit of their homeland staples during their downtime. This is a great Wanchai secret.  Ahh... Memories.

greypath 8-11-2013 19:26 Acceptance +3 Thanks Wander. So,not just pussy makes your mouth water.
DArtagnan 11-11-2013 11:12 Acceptance +1 Yup - the company in QV is awesome!!

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