Original Post

4-11-2013 10:19
Reply #238 wander's post

So here is the real risk to me.  I have never met a WYP girl that knows anything more than my face and pooner phone number.  Heck, I even try to ensure I only see them on my last night in the hotel to avoid them coming back unannounced.

Too careful?  No such thing.  

I've always lived by the rule to never let someone know anything real about you that doesn't have at least as much to lose as you do.  I have not met any WYP girls that have that much at risk, so no real info shared.

I have a very real covers set up that provide a name that is real, a company that is "real", with a name matching mine as part of the staff.  But the company is a shell web page I set up and host myself.  It has contact email but no direct phone contact data.  It is a black hole.  

If a girl googles it, they will find my name, the company, the location, in place I have said it is based.  I even paid for the web page on a reloaded Visa.

Paranoid or prepared, does it matter?


ggherkin 4-11-2013 10:41 Acceptance +2 Thank you, Mr. Bond. No such thing as too careful.
greypath 4-11-2013 12:54 Acceptance +2 The U.S. government are "watching and listening"
cubed.blah 10-11-2013 03:06 Acceptance +2 Lol, must keep this in mind if I venture into WYP and civvies..
starystar 23-1-2014 15:23 Acceptance +1 Pretty impressive set-up you got there!

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