Original Post

8-10-2013 05:02
how to get your $$$$$$$ worth.

This is not a question, rather a bit of info I got from a WG.

Long story short, Im hammering away and she asks why I have not    by now so asks "have you taken any thing"????

I naively ask taken what????

she explains that some of her punters use a pill to get there $$$$$ worth by superssing the urge to .

I finish up and go home to do a bit or research, and find a product called Priligy (Dapoxetine) or the super version is cialis super force (Tadalafil and Dapoxetine.)

11 days later my delivery of 60 cialis super force, arrives straight from the home of counterfeit Drugs (India)

The reviews they say you need one and a half hours in your system to work.

I have tried and tested this product and I can officially say I have ruined some WGs to the extent that there legs

shake like a shitting dogs.

I can provide more info for this product, but do not want to do this in open forum, so please PM.

[ Last edited by  01goatboy at 8-10-2013 05:29 ]

jake.houston 8-10-2013 21:29 Acceptance +4 I get my money's worth but making them cum first, then they are happy to fuck you all night.

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