Different folks, different strokes.
I don't tend to group 'young girls' with wanting stability and wealth in older guys, a lot of it is related to level of education, their current personal economic situation and their economic situation when they were growing up. For example I wouldn't think a young Marissa Mayer
Generally speaking, people gravitate within 1 standard deviation of their own intelligence and find it difficult to get on with people outside of that regardless of age.
Other major factors are energy and stage in life experience. For example, some older guys/women have gone through the parting hard stage and just can't be bothered with it anymore, whereas some of the younger people are constantly out getting lashed, partying hard. This is an imbalance of social lives, hence why people gravitate to people with common social habits and why common social habits usually are at the same stage of life so are usually similar in age.
Older guys and younger girls.. if intelligence and stage of life is similar, there's no reason why it matters at all (in terms of relationships). Outside of that, it's usually an economic transaction. | |