Original Post

31-8-2013 06:01

Males don't care about social status of female as long as female is attractive (to them). Females often have status in mind when choosing partners. Due to limited sexual capital after pregnancy, females evolved to be far more selective and cautious about their partners. Status/wealth has been imprinted as a positive sexual quality in the female mind. Males only evolved to be sexually aroused by physical cues, such as a pretty face, large tits, petite figure, or whatever his subconscious deems fit for children. Males have no problem entering into a monogamous relationship with a person who has less wealth, females do. You almost never see rich females enter monogamous or seemingly monogamous relationships with males significantly below their wealth status. While I agree that generally in developed countries, richer girls tend to be more attractive, this is not always the case. For example, in Mexico, easy access to fast food and low incomes create a generally unattractive lower class female who is very obese and short. In Asian countries, poverty has not made women fat and stout, presenting an excellent opportunity for middle/lower class Westerners from developed countries for sex.

jake.houston 31-8-2013 08:42 Acceptance +4 Somebody has a Sociology degree. ;)

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