Original Post

18-8-2013 05:40

I am a sucker in terms of generalization though, but judging from my own experience this is how I deem the different nationalities of europe:

Russians: Full of feelings. Can sometimes be too much, but are made for this (haha). Can sometimes be too blonde to be good for them too.

Germans: Can seem the most friendly, but can also be bitches. Depends on if you like them or not. If you give them a bad look one day, they are the last to forgive/forget.

Spanish: Most are robots, but you can be lucky and catch a "dancer" too.

Romanians: Largest contributor of girls. Form their own gangs and keep to themselves. Poor english and hard to chat with. Very "industrial". Some can be qquite hot and give great service though.

Bulgarians: Looks good, but quite a few are "runner" types. Alot are also into fitness and are muscular.

Ukrainians: The hottest girls in europe (world perhaps too). The best ones, but are also hard to find.

Czech Rep: Easy to get intimate with. No acting and are normally straight forward and down to the point. Good service in the room though. One of the better looking nationalities (along with swedish and ukrainians I think)

Hungarians: Fun girls. Sometimes language is an issue (hungarian is not related to other euro languages except for finnish and estonian), but not allways. The ones you find in germany are sufficient in english. Sex can be slightly mechanical though, but not bad.

Latvians: Rare, but some are real gems. Easy to get to know, but the ugly ones are real bitches (like germans in a way).

Italians: Also rare. I've found a few in spain only. Good service and quite passionate.

Finnish: Icequeens. Kinda lazy (like some chinese are).

Moldovian: Very hot. The poorest country in europe seem to send their hottest girls away to feed a village I guess.

Albanians/Former Yugoslavians: Quite passionate. Much like the italians.

Swedish/Norwegians: Hard to get. But also somewhat like the Czech Rep girls though.

French: Very sensual and easy going, but hard to find away from the discos in the major cities. Though I've never been to France...

Danish: Much like the northern germans from Hamburg (which are the best germans). Easy going and fun.

British: Stay away. Bad diet. If you want a good one they are available in inner London for insane prices I guess.

Well, that was most of europe from my quite generalized view

Note that not all of these nationalities are to be found in FKK clubs.

[ Last edited by  Bannor at 18-8-2013 05:46 ]

jake.houston 18-8-2013 10:52 Karma +4 Very generalized. Greatest lover of my life, Spanish girl. Hands down. But she wasn't a WG.
matsumoto 9-9-2013 12:50 Acceptance +6 Kudos for the Ukrainian girls...agree 100% they're #1 gene pool, w dongbei and Korean close behind
wiggy 30-9-2013 20:19 Karma +1

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