Original Post

18-8-2013 04:57

Yes, I see quite a few asians there actually. Mostly japanese and a few american chinese and euro chinese.

Edit: But be aware of some cultural differences. Euro girls are very different from country to country. And you can also stumble across a few SE asians/latino's and even a few kenyans in these FKK clubs.

There are quite a few options aside from the 2 I mentionned though. You also have Palace and World in/near Frankfurt. Sharks in Darmstadt. Golden Time in Bruggen and Samya in Cologne. In Prague you have Sexy Sauna. And loads of others I haven't been to around Germany. There are one or two in switzerland, austria and the neterhlands too. In Prague you have more of the sex shop (sauna bowlish) type. Same goes for Amsterdam I suppose.

[ Last edited by  Bannor at 18-8-2013 05:09 ]

wiggy 30-9-2013 20:17 Karma +1

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