Original Post

18-6-2013 22:26
Reply #132 mrfast's post

Totally agree with your post and the rule as written.  I have had many other WYP situations where we went out, talked, and had a great time.  But  there was no sex.  I still paid the agreed amount.  In this case I consider that compensated dating.

When the first night I meet a girl and she is blowing me in my car after less than two hours together and I hand her a card with cash in it, I believe that is a punt.  The other qualifier is would she provide the same service to someone else for the same money.  If yes, then I again think it is a punt for sure.  

You need some level of game, but it still seems like a punt to me.

Maybe splitting hairs on my part.  I'm happy to curtail the reports if one of our Mods makes a dissenting interpretation of these activities.

But I won't stop using WYP.  Never, Never I say!

[ Last edited by  jake.houston at 18-6-2013 22:28 ]

DArtagnan 20-6-2013 15:17 Acceptance +1 I certainly agree with your interpretation - if money is exchanged for "companionship" it's not civvie

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