Original Post

17-6-2013 05:42
My SD after action

So San Diego ended up being an average city for me this trip using WYP.  I had a great adventure with a young hottie that really went well.  She was hit and miss on the communication front after our first meeting but overall she was a go.

I had two other dates set up but due to my TJ adventures I never actually hooked up with either girl.  Both were down for P4P.  Alex was a true WG in every sense.  She sent me a $200 offer for a meet & greet in my hotel.  So I'm going to call her a sure thing.  Here is her link.

My other was Kourtney.  She was down for P4P but had too many "No's" for my tastes. I passed on getting together.
Here is her contact page.


She also became very intermittent in her responses.

Off to a new town next week.  I have two confirmed dates and I am very excited about one of the girls.  I'll keep everyone in the loop.


[ Last edited by  jake.houston at 17-6-2013 05:45 ]

DaBestHK 17-6-2013 07:34 Karma +3 thanks
wander 17-6-2013 09:44 Karma +4 Man, you've been busy!! Nice!
wolfy187 17-6-2013 15:58 Karma +2
bossmanfred 17-6-2013 18:19 Karma +2 Excellent! Thanks for sharing!
sbs23 18-6-2013 04:09 Acceptance +1 Keep it up

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