Original Post

14-6-2013 00:53

I also practice Wander's "school of luv" method. Take the girl for ride in your adventure. May not work for the hardened or jaded WGs so just stay away from them. Otherwise, for many girls, once you make good conversation and flattery (of the right kind) and are good at dipping in the DATY, you can often shake loose a damn good time mostly on your terms.  Really... how can a girl ask you for more money after you had her shaking and crying from pleasure. I usually kid them and tell them they need to give me money when that happens.

I'm curious how this checklist would look. Do we carry around little name card size bits of paper with a checklist? It would think it needs to be all in graphics and pictures since so many languages are spoken and communication about details like that is sometimes difficult. Seems like a little bit of a buzz kill (boner kill?) to whip out a list of options to be signed off and agreed upon just when you are both all warm and runny.

Still, this is something to think about though.

wander 14-6-2013 22:38 Acceptance +1 Yep. I actually had one regular pay me once. 10$HK. haha. I'm cheap! Funny moment.

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