Original Post

8-6-2013 18:07
Why aren't Android users "using" their devices?

It's well accepted that Android outranks iOS as the most prolific operating system. In fact of almost a billion "active"... and I stress the use of the word "active" users... over half are Android. Why is it then, that despite the marketshare superiority, are Android users less likely to use their phone as a "smartphone" than iOS users? Why is overwhelmingly more web browsing done using iOS? despite the fact there are less iOS users.

Even more surprising is the fact that Android users are substantially less likely to use Apps on their device. This is remarkable given the typical Android Fanboy theory that a key advantage of Android is the open system for sourcing Apps... so they can source Apps more freely... yet they don't use them LOL...  

In the past this could be put down to poor device performance. However most people accept there are some very good Android phones on the market now, especially some of the Samsung models. So why are Android users so much less likely to use their device as anything more than a regular phone or a book reading device? Remember, this is not about how much "you" use or don't use your device, this is about the general Android community. Quite the conundrum...



[ Last edited by  TonyToro at 8-6-2013 18:10 ]

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