Original Post

6-6-2013 16:40
Reply #105 wolfy187's post

What level of personal info do you guys give these girls? If a girl were to go nuts would it come back and bite your ass? I remember reading a out a brothers date banging on their hotel door?

I have a secondary phone I use for punting and try not to use real DOB but first name is usually ok.

jake.houston 6-6-2013 21:52 Acceptance +1 Zero. Unless room number is personal information. I always pay in cash and even make all reservations under my alias.
wander 6-6-2013 22:16 Acceptance +1 Yeah, that was me with the civvie gal banging on my door. A nasty moment!
jetsetting2much 7-6-2013 01:40 Acceptance +1 First name only. Everything paid for in cash.
halfclover 7-6-2013 06:33 Karma +2 Punting name, second phone, punting email address, cash only, identifiable personnel effects always put away, valuables ...

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