Original Post

6-6-2013 15:05

Sometimes it get's awkward.  

So Krissy (my WYP regular), sms's again today:  "Let's meet tonite."

Hmmmm.  Would it be fun?  Well, of fucking course it would be!

But lets face it, she's pricey for 3 times a week!

I was out with work mates... just back to my room and find a moment and sms back, "ahh, would be so nice, but I cant afford you every nite!"

"Damn!", she replies.  Though just a one-word text, I sense some anger behind it.  Remember she's just a kid.  She continues, "You with someone new?" she continues.

I reply, "Hehe, no sweetie.  Just doing emails.  Come here if you want, relax".  

"But you just said you wouldnt pay"

"Yes I did"



"Can I come over to see you?"

"Yes, of course.., but I'm sleepy.., not too long okay?"

"okay", she replies.

And she did come over.  And we were honest with each other, and we fucked each other.  And we both orgasmed more than once.    And, finally, she reminded me that she needs some payment sometimes, and I told her I am happy to do exactly that.

And then she left.  And I slept.

Young girls!  OMG.  Heavenly creatures..., but.....

dchocbar 6-6-2013 21:18 Karma +4 I don't know abt others but only the legendary Wander can pull something like that off! U da man!
halfclover 7-6-2013 06:29 Karma +4 Laughing as I write this, you have game bro Wander, nicely done
doghead 7-6-2013 08:32 Karma +4 Is she becoming the young version of that Chinese divorcee?
hehe_knight 7-6-2013 08:44 Acceptance +1 ego boost +100

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