Original Post

29-5-2013 08:59

The replies above are excellent and I echo them in my thinking for the most part. My best response is an example from my experience which just reached its conclusion (or at least reached a new level) yesterday.

I've seen a girl at an AMP three times now, once per week for three weeks. I always try to engage the girls in conversation, have a laugh etc and this particular girl and I really hit it off. She only offers massage and a HJ (SOP for these shops) but I've asked her if she would be interested in taking things further and she was non-committal but playful.

Yesterday I wound up fucking this lovely Korean girl on the massage table, while DFK'ing her to oblivion, total GFE. I'm fairly certain I'm the first compensated fuck she has ever had which made it ever more delightful, I'm number 8 on her list of guys she has had sex with, first seven were BF's. She was incredibly wet and ready by the time we went at it, I think was more enthusiastic than me actually.

So the important bits in my view that got me to that point:
Genuine respect
Listen and engage with her, emotional engagement is the key
Make her laugh
Light touching to get a girl's motor running is critical for a GFE.
Rushing is always the killer, you have to know when they're ready to move forward and just wait that little bit longer.

[ Last edited by  halfclover at 29-5-2013 09:19 ]

wander 29-5-2013 09:25 Acceptance +2 True that. Well said.

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