Original Post

27-5-2013 11:12
Reply #40 pandaboy's post

This site is essentially the same thing -- girls looking for Sugar Daddies, guys looking for Sugar Babies.  It makes it all so much easier.

As far as bareback goes, Bro, this site is specifically against promoting it.  For obvious and good reasons.  But anyway, the gals on this site are no more, or less, likely to BB than gals you meet anywhere else.  If you got a thing for this go hunt civvies -- they bareback more way more often than WG!

I read an interesting article where a bunch of porn stars were interviewed.  They discussed bareback -- and all said they NEVER do it outside of work - civvies are too fuckn risky, whereas all the peeps in the porn industry (in LA anyway) have to get tested and show proof so often they are the only ones they feel secure barebacking with!  Huh!  A little irony in that, I find.

nooblier 5-7-2013 03:36 Karma -1 Extra

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