Original Post

18-5-2013 21:04
Reply #1 QEU9's post

After about 830pm ish walk outside towards 7/11 which is to the right when you walk out shangrila entrance, walk slowly, look seedy, papas will approach you lol. This is only if your a lazy ass lol, price is like few hundred bucks (~500) for 1 pop (1hr) if you dont wana haggle too much. They call girl over, you will see the girl first, then you will go up together to ya room, if you dont like feel free to refuse and if the papa doesnt let you go, just briskly walk toward hotel lol, they wont follow. Again this method is just if your lazy and just want a quick slay in your hotel room.

plenty more options, ktv, sauna nearby. do a search

btw the hotel staff dont give a shit if you take a girl in with ya lol

asurada00 20-5-2013 22:46 Karma +2 useful

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