Original Post

27-4-2013 04:19

This is in order of preference. 2) and 3) switch from time to time, which I explain later:
1) CIM
2) Doggy
3) Mish

CIM is definitely my favorite because it just feels so good with all that saliva (the more the better!) lubricant and looks amazing too. I really like it when I can feel a girl's saliva just dripping all over! Plus it's always an option; even if I'm too tired to want to do anything! Another strong contributing factor is probably the porn over the years have molded my mind into really enjoying the image.

Doggy is my usually my favorite position because I get to grope a girl's ass in the process and jiggle it all around while skewering her! I also can sustain doggy style at a high speed for ages so it usually gets the girl going too!

Mish is good, especially if the girl is beautiful, but it seems that that isn't enough for me anymore and I require more. It all depends on the girl really. In short, mish > doggy only in cases when a girl has a good cum face + orgasmic sounds!

zaptz 27-4-2013 22:26 Acceptance +3 All great reasons for the 3 preferences! Thanks for sharing, Bro :)

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