Original Post

11-4-2013 04:49

The prices do seem to change over time, but there some forum members have taken photos of the menu cards at some of the saunas.

The general rule is that you can get the ferry ride for free by buying a package at Shun Tak.

But in terms of the different packages, they tend to be things like "line-up girl plus two lounge services plus body scrub", or "super-model girl plus lounge service plus 45 minute massage". There are many varieties.

In general, figure $1500 - $2000 for line-up girl, plus $500 for "top-up to a model" if you want a model (models are usually just taller, not prettier). Lounge services tend to be $130 to $190. 90 minute massage tends to be $400 - $600 plus $100 - $200 more with HJ. The packages can result in slight differences from this pricing, but not by much. The basic benefit is the ferry ride.

For a well-enjoyed evening at a sauna, figure $350 for the ferry round trip, plus $2k for the sauna (or $2500 if you go to Rio or 18 or East).


looking4cfc 12-4-2013 02:03 Acceptance +1 agreed. good summary of the packages.

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