Original Post

28-3-2013 04:41

Originally posted by wander at 27-3-2013 13:55
Quote: "I far prefer overnight take-out from a girl who chooses me just as much as I choose her. Different dynamic."

Actually, that is not a different dynamic, for me that is THE correct dynamic. Being with a woman who wants to be with you is the normal human condition and it doesn't matter if it is an SO or hottie you meet that day. When the sexual circuit closes between you and the girl, life is worth living to the fullest.

Fucking, like pizza, is still better than none at all so I get the WG thing and still do it occasionally, but I usually stick to a couple of girls I know or the Thais who often seem to able to loosen up with a little conversation and TLC. I still try a random WG adventure but I'm getting more disillusioned as time goes on. I've had a few WG's rock my world but it is rare. Seems like only one in 5 is anything even slightly more than mechanical and squeeky with fake sex noise. I'm not one of those hang and bang guys, I can't touch a woman without actually trying to enjoy her skin and tasting all her lovely girly parts. I know some of you like to smash your uglies on a girls and run. I get that - to each his own - but I just love sex with women who love sex. I pride myself on my muff diving skills and love making women cum, however it happens..

Like Wander did, I now spend more time in Wanchai with one of the sexy and horny DH chicks I know or meet on a Sunday. There is no comparison. A few weeks ago a tall horny Indo I picked up had me seeing stars and moons dancing around my head and last Sunday my DH#1 left me completely wrecked after some of the best sex I've had in years. To me THAT is the normal dynamic. Not even the best WG experience I've had, and a few have been excellent, has come even close to that.

That said, Miss P is still rather intriguing. Miss P, do you like pizza?

ggherkin 28-3-2013 05:53 Acceptance +1 Fucking, like pizza. Priceless. Not sure about the sauces tho.
wander 28-3-2013 11:13 Acceptance +2 Yeah, we're on the same page entirely. But, many Bros prefer the fast and furious. Cool for them... room for us all.

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