Original Post

27-3-2013 11:48
Reply #108 misspumpkin's post


Hey MissP, a friendly tip -- dont put Bros in "" each time you choose to use it.  This handle is how we refer to each other on this forum, but when you add the "" it comes across as condescending.    I dont think you mean it this way, right?  My bet is that it just feels weird for you to use the term Bro (being a lady).  Dont worry about it... if it doesnt feel right for you to refer to us this way please dont think you must -- use your own term.  Be yourself.

Now then...  about DATY.   Yes, indeed..  I always LOVED sucking pussy.., but it indeed took me a while to actually become damn good at it (and I am!  I promise.. hehe).  The reason why it took some time is so few women are willing to actually verbalize, specifically, what they like, dont like, what's working, what's not...   and given that everyone (gals and guys) has their own "buttons"  what worked wonderfully with the last gal may fail miserably with the next one.  

But I DID learn about it... and, in fact, I did as you suggest -- I read up on it and how to do it (long before youtube exisited) (and Bros, these tutorials are pretty good -- they work.  trust me) and finally had a girlfriend who was absolutely open to describing exactly what she liked, why she liked it, and on and on.  But what I learned most from her was how to pay attention and "read" a girl in bed - and this is part of the sexual game I enjoy the most, I suppose.  It is damn fun figuring out what gets a gal off!  And it turns me on tremendously to get her off.  This doesn't mean I am always successful, of course, but it is a wicked turn-on to me when I am, and still fun even when I am not.  An adventure either way.

Yet I read, on here, and on other forums, and in "popular" culture in general, about guys who just could care less if the gal enjoys their sex together.  Just insert cock, pump like a maniac, cum, and finish.  I have never understand why a guy would be like that:  I suppose it is entirely an ego thing -- personally I want her to leave thinking "Damn, I hope I get to fuck him again!  That was awesome!!!".

Anyway... that's my take on it.  Your advice is great -- those vids DO really help.

halfclover 23-5-2013 14:32 Acceptance +4 Excellent Wander, well said

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